Friday, August 15, 2008

This Cooken is Chicked!

So, anyone who has ever spent any small amount of time around my family knows that sometimes what goes through our brains, doesn't necessarily translate correctly into words - a touch of dyslexia, if you will. This evening, I was munching on some leftover chicken casserole, and thinking to myself that the chicken was getting a bit over-cooked after having spent a bit of time in the oven over the past two days staying warm, and then reheating. (Yeah, sometimes I like to do things the "old-fashioned way" and skip the microwave.)

So, as I was eating, "this chicken is cooked" somehow came out "this cooken is chicked". Other notable minced words (since we are on the food theme this evening):

By my sister, Karin, when telling her daughter, Stephanie, that she had left a CD on her bed, "Leftanie, you Stephed your CD on the bed".

Or, my personal favorite from the man of few words... my younger brother, Kraig, when asked what type of barbeque sauce he'd like with his chicken fingers at a fast food restaurant, "I"d like the bunny-roasted harbeque sauce".

I don't care foo you are, that's hunny right there.


When life hands you lemons... said...

hahahahaaaa!!! hats thysterical!

Anonymous said...

thats so funny....guess our family is dyslexic too! Hope yall have a great week. Talk to you soon,
Beth :)